Thursday, September 8, 2016

September Issue of International Leads

The September issue of IRRT’s International Leads newsletter is now available for viewing. This month’s issue includes articles on the East West University Library in Bangladesh, programming at the University of Windsor in Canada, Cape Town Book Donation project outcomes, and more! 

Happy Reading! 

Message from IRRT Chair, Beth Cramer 

I t is with deepest gratitude and excitement that I begin my term as IRRT Chair. First, I would like to thank and congratulate John Hickok on his productive, informative, and fun term as IRRT Chair, 2015-2016. And many thanks to Robin Kear (PastChair, 2016-2017) for her fabulous IRRT service over the past years. They taught me a lot about leadership and how to steer IRRT throughout the year to accomplish its many goals and objectives. 

In the following year, IRRT will be working to create international programming and speaking opportunities at the ALA conferences, plus embracing our role as hosts for our international ALA members and visitors. We will also continue our work editing the IRRT Bylaws, sponsoring an ALA Emerging Leader, and growing the IRRT Endowment—with a special focus on how best to utilize these funds for the support and enrichment of ALA international initiatives.

After attending some amazing programs at IFLA in Columbus, I have decided that my focus for the upcoming year is to promote the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs) supported by the United Nations Development Programme and adopted by 150 world leaders. I will focus specifically on the opportunities for libraries and librarians to work with the UNDP in their fight against injustice, poverty, inequality, and climate change. These SDGs and the preceding Millennium Development Goals are closely related to my interest and research on the topic of INGOs and NGOs supporting sustainable libraries in developing countries. I am excited to have the opportunity to help other librarians learn more about making a global impact while at the same time enriching their own local communities, careers, and lives.

I encourage all IRRT members to volunteer to serve as an officer, committee chair, or committee member—your first opportunity will be a call for IRRT officer nominations (via email to all members), to be made before ALA Midwinter, 2017.You may also volunteer to serve as a committee member throughout the year at our IRRT Committees page: Appointing officer for the year is our Chair-Elect, Loida Garcia-Febo.

 Looking forward to working with many of you. May the upcoming year be filled with accomplishments, collaboration, happiness, and surprises. 

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