Thursday, July 15, 2021

Upcoming IFLA Virtual Events

Library Research Data Management Services: Where are we now?


Monday, 19 July, 11:00 – 12:00 CEST/UTC+2 (Live AI Closed Captioning and transcription available)



Event information:


There is no doubt that data is an imperative in conducting research towards the creation of new knowledge and science. Therefore, good research data management practices forms part of the research process ensuring validity and reliability of research data. As we know, it is a requirement by many publishers and funders these days to share the research data. Since academic libraries play a vital role in supporting the pillars of their parent universities, the uptake of research data management services in response to supporting research trends has emerged.



  • Dr Edmund Balnaves
  • Dr Lynn Kleinveldt
  • François-Xavier Boffy


-Organised by the IFLA Information Technology (IT) Section


La Biblioteca Global de la Organización Mundial de la Salud: ¡La salud importa! - Glòria Pérez-Salmerón en conversación con los Bibliotecarios de la OMS


Wednesday, 28 July, 18:30 – 19:30 CEST/UTC+2 (En español)



Event information:

El grupo de interés especial Evidence for Global and Disaster Health (E4GHD) de la Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios y Bibliotecas (IFLA) se complace en invitarlo a este seminario web en nuestra serie del 2021.

El grupo de interés especial Evidence for Global and Disaster Health (E4GDH) se alinea con la visión de la IFLA de promover el papel vital de las bibliotecas y los bibliotecarios en el apoyo a los objetivos de la ONU, específicamente los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, el Acuerdo sobre el Cambio Climático y el Marco de Sendai para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres 2015-2030.

Asimismo, reuniendo a socios y partes interesadas dentro y fuera de nuestra profesión, E4GDH colabora para que las bibliotecas, bajo el liderazgo de la IFLA y su agenda de Visión Global, desempeñen un papel fundamental en el apoyo a la salud mundial y en la reducción del riesgo de desastres.

Y nada más relevante que abrir nuestro ciclo de seminarios web en español con Glòria Pérez-Salmerón, la primera y única presidenta de habla hispana de la IFLA, en conversación con los Bibliotecarios de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) acerca de la fascinante labor que desempeñan y su relevancia para la salud pública en todo el planeta.


  • Glòria Pérez-Salmerón
  • Tomas Allen
  • José Garnica


Moderadora - Maria Cotera

-Organised by the IFLA Evidence for Global and Disaster Health (E4GDH) Special Interest Group


Fake News Disruptions on Media: Journalism and Library Convergence - Critical Reflections


Friday, 30 July, 13:00 – 15:00 CEST/UTC+2 (Live AI Closed Captioning and transcription available)


Event information:


Join us for this webinar where three panellists renowned in the Library and Information field will discuss the convergence of journalism and libraries as related to fake news.


  • Alexander Madanha Rusero
  • Hellen Amunga (PhD)
  • Collence Chisita


-Organised by the IFLA Africa Regional Section




Be sure to visit IFLA’s Calendar of Events for additional details. Recordings of previous virtual events can be found on the IFLA YouTube channel.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Libraries and the UN 2030 Agenda: the Role of Libraries in Promoting Sustainable Development

 Libraries and the UN 2030 Agenda: the Role of Libraries in Promoting Sustainable Development

Location: Zagreb (Croatia), Zoom platform 09.12.2021
Organiser: Knjižnica Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Zagrebačko knjižničarsko društvo (Library of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, Zagreb Library Association)

The deadline for submission of paper proposals - participation with the presentation is September 30, 2021 via the link.
The deadline for submission of poster proposals is September 30, 2021 via the link.
The deadline for registration for participation without presentation is 15 November 2021 via the link.
By 1 November 2021, the Programme Committee will notify the authors whether their paper proposals have been accepted.

Please find more information at