Monday, August 27, 2018

Call for Submissions: Association for Information Science and Technology Asia Pacific Regional Conference

A low-technology or low-tech information environment is one with relatively unsophisticated technological development or equipment. For example, many institutions operate in areas with little or no Internet access or operate in infrastructure-light but mobile-heavy environments.

Even with rapid developments in technological infrastructure in many parts of the world, low-tech information environments persist for many reasons. For instance, institutional cultures and mindsets simply do not support organisational changes in information technology; the push for greener and healthier information practices may sometimes favour low-technological environment; or the lack of infrastructure or resources may render organisations and institutions to adopt adaptable and often low-tech solutions.

This conference, which takes place January 3-4, 2019, will focus on effective learning in such contexts. We are interested in (but not limited to) the following topics:
  • Learning in low-tech information environments across different organisational contexts
  • Case studies of information worlds, cultures, social dynamics, and access from the Asia-Pacific region
  • Green information systems and learning
  • Implementation of high-tech information and technological strategies in low-tech environments
  • Pedagogical approaches, models, and theories for effective learning in low-tech environments
  • Learning in formal and informal low-tech settings
  • Strategies and challenges for learning in low-tech information environments
  • Evaluation and assessment of learning in low-tech environments
  • Research methods, ethics and implementation of learning in low-tech environments
  • Innovation of learning in low-tech information environments
  • The future of learning in low-tech environments
We invite papers, posters, panels and workshop submissions centred on this theme from or relating to the Asia-Pacific region. Work that reflects the broader mandate of ASIS&T (Association for Information Science and Technology), regarding the creation, representation, storage, access, dissemination and use of information, media and records, and the systems, tools, and technologies associated with these processes will also be of interest. The conference embraces plurality in methods and theories, and encompasses research, development and practice from a broad spectrum of domains, as encapsulated in ASIS&T's many special interest groups (SIGs). Please note that at least one of the authors must register for the conference in order for an accepted paper to be part of the proceedings.

Important dates
All proposals are to be submitted through the EasyChair system. If you have any questions about the submissions process, please contact Natalie Pang at or Diane Velasquez at

Long and Short Papers
Submission System opens: 25 June 2018
Submissions due: 22 September 2018
Notifications: 10 November 2018
Final publishable version due: 20 December 2018

Panels, Visual Presentations and Workshops 
Submission System opens: 25 June 2018
Submissions due: 22 October 2018
Notifications: 10 November 2018
Final publishable version due: 20 December 2018

Submission types
1) Long Papers:  Long papers should discuss, analyze, critique theories and concepts, or report original, unpublished research; all papers must be substantiated by experimentation, simulation, theoretical development, analysis or application in practice. Submissions will be judged on such criteria as quality of content, significance for theory, relevance for practice, method, design, originality, and quality of presentation.
    2) Short Papers:  Short papers are similar to long papers in terms of scope, but may also report work in progress. Submissions will be judged on such criteria as quality of content, significance for theory, relevance for practice, method, design, originality, and quality of presentation.
      3) Panels: Proposals for panels are invited on topics that explore emerging cutting-edge research and design, analyses of emerging trends, opinions on controversial issues, analyses of tools and techniques, or contrasting viewpoints from experts in complementary areas of research. Panels are not a substitute for a set of contributed papers; they must have a cohesive theme and promote lively discussions. Proposals should include an overview of the issues to be discussed and must also list panellists who have agreed to participate, indicating the qualifications and contributions of each.

      4) Visual Presentations: Submissions are also invited for visual presentation via poster, demonstration, video, etc. at the meeting. Visual presentations are expected to invite questions and discussion and offer a unique opportunity to present late-breaking results, work in progress, or research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format.  Authors are expected to address how the work will be presented at the meeting.
        5) Workshops: Workshops will be held before or after the conference. The purpose of a workshop is to provide a more informal setting for the exchange of ideas on a focused topic and suggest directions for future work. As such, they offer a good opportunity for researchers and professionals to present and discuss their work among a targeted and interested community. Workshops may be mini-focused research presentations, a series of working events, brainstorming and idea sharing, or even teaching/learning a new skill like a tutorial.
          Submissions should be formatted according to the AM18 Proposal Template.

          Publication opportunities
          The three best conference papers (short or full) accepted by this conference will be nominated for submission to JASIST, a top journal in Information Science and Technology.

          Location: University of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

          For more information, visit the conference website.

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