Tuesday, February 27, 2018

IRRT- Chair's Webinar: Advocacy resources to serve immigrants and refugees

Advocacy resources to serve immigrants and refugees

Tuesday, March 6, 2018 

1:00-2:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York), 12:00-1:00 p.m. Central Time (Chicago)

Join the webinar at http://ala.adobeconnect.com/rkh3iyn1r52x/
To be sure you can connect on the day of the webinar:

--Test your connection: http://ala.adobeconnect.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm

--Get a quick overview: http://www.adobe.com/products/adobeconnect.html

Join us in this free webinar and learn about advocacy resources library workers can use to help advocate for library services for immigrants and refugees. Our speakers will share information and examples useful to advocate at federal, national, regional, state, and city level. Library and information workers are providing programs and services that build community while enriching and saving lives of immigrants and refugees. At the American Library Associations' International Relations Round Table, we want to be part of these efforts.

Kathi Kromer, Associate Executive Director of the Washington Office for the American Library Association
As an advocate for libraries and librarians in the Washington community, Kathi leads a team of public policy experts to develop and implement strategies which advance the mission of ALA and increases the visibility of the organization.

Marci Merola, Director of the Office for Library Advocacy for the American Library Association
Merola has been the Director of ALA’s Office for Library Advocacy since its formation in 2007, providing advocacy resources, tools and support to librarians, staff and advocates at the state and local levels, speaking nationally and internationally on library advocacy, as well as working to integrate advocacy efforts throughout the association.

Dora Ho, President of the Asian Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA)
Ho is a young adult librarian/program specialist at the Los Angeles Public Library. She is a member of the Association for Library Services to Children (ALSC) and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) as well as the California Library Association and the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA).

Nicanor Diaz, Immigrant Services Manager at the Denver Public Library
Nicanor Diaz did a 6 month practicum at the Argentinean National Library in Buenos Aires. He manages four branches in northwest Denver, including the Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales branch. As a member of ALA, Diaz participates in the newly created group, Serving Refugees, Immigrants, and Displaced Persons Committee, which is part of the Office of Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services.

Find more information, including full speaker biographies, on the IRRT website.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

ALA Annual Conference registration is open. Early bird rates end March 7

ALA Welcomes Global Library Professionals to its Annual Conference June 21-26, 2018 in New Orleans!

In hundreds of programs at the American Library Association Annual Conference, you’ll learn about key issues  such as digital content and e-books, new technologies in libraries, innovation, leadership, library advocacy and promotion, cataloging and technical services, virtual libraries and archives, civic engagement, books and authors, and much more.

New Orleans, nicknamed “the Big Easy”, prides itself on its welcoming and friendly attitude. In the background of the Mississippi River, the city of New Orleans is world-renowned for its Jazz music, amazing cuisine, and exciting atmosphere. Steeped in a history of influences from Europe, the Caribbean, and Africa, it is one of America’s most culturally and historically-rich destinations.  It is one of the favorite destinations for librarians.

Your ALA Annual Conference registration includes all this and more:
  • 500+ educational programs, discussions, and workshops on key topics
  • World-renowned speakers and experts
  • Preconferences offering in-depth professional development
  • Entrance to the exhibits where 800+ exhibitors at 1,500 stands highlight new and favorite products, titles, and services
  • The opportunity for you to present a paper or poster
  • Dozens of social and fun events
  • A free ticket to the popular International Librarians Reception
Especially for international attendees, the International Relations Round Table has organized the following:

International Orientation – A special introduction to ALA, the conference, and the city of Chicago. ALA members will recommend programs and social activities to help you make the most of your conference experience.

International Posters – A showcase of innovative programs and library activities from across the globe.

International Papers – A scholarly exchange of ideas between U.S. librarians and our colleagues from other countries that fosters discussion and extends a global view of the library profession.

International Reception—A special evening reception will be held in your honor so you can meet other international guests as well as colleagues from the U.S.

International Visitor’s Center—A place where you can relax, review the conference program, or hold small meetings with new-found colleagues and friends. A computer with Internet access is provided, and ALA volunteers will be on hand to answer questions.

Letter of Invitation:
If you need a letter of invitation for visa purposes, please send a request to the International Relations Office at intl@ala.org

Friday, February 9, 2018

11th International Indigenous Librarians Forum - Call for Papers

Held every second year, the International Indigenous Librarians’ Forum is an opportunity for indigenous information professionals to network and discuss best practice models towards fostering and preserving indigenous languages, traditions, cultures and values within libraries, museums, archives and other educational institutions. 

Celebrating 20 years in 2019, the Forum will return to the shores of Aotearoa New Zealand, to be held 7 – 10 February 2019.

The theme for IILF 2019 is “Tāmaki Herenga Waka” – which focuses on welcoming indigenous waka or vessels to return and tether within Tāmaki, providing a safe haven for discussions that will impact future generations of indigenous traditional knowledge and its’ acquisition, storage and use.
All Indigenous persons working in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums are invited to submit a proposal. Papers will be presented in panels of three.  

Deadline for submission is 30 March 2018. Visit the International Indigenous Librarians Forum website for full details. 

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Marketing Libraries Journal

Marketing Libraries Journal (MLJ) is a new peer-reviewed, independently published, open access scholarly journal that focuses on innovative marketing activities libraries are engaged in.

Published twice a year, this new journal contains both research and practical examples of library marketing campaigns, library marketing research, public relations campaigns, SWOT analysis, segmentation research, assessment of marketing activities, and tools used for marketing. In addition to peer reviewed articles, the Journal will also contain practical articles from columns on advocacy, branding, case studies of marketing campaigns, "from the trenches," and technology tools.

Read the inaugural issue at http://journal.marketinglibraries.org/

Call for submissions for Volume 2, Issue 1 (Summer 2018) is open.
Deadline for Submissions: April 1, 2018 (May 1, 2018 for Practical Articles)
Submission guidelines are posted on the journal's home page, along with a link to the online submission tool.