Saturday, January 30, 2021

Call for submissions- Journal of Library Administration- Global Perspectives Column


Dear All,


Please see below invitation for contributions for the Global Perspectives Column in the Journal of Library Administration:

The Journal of Library Administration informs readers on research, current developments, and trends related to the leadership and management of libraries. Stressing the practical, this forward-looking journal provides information that library administrators need to manage their organizations efficiently and effectively. In today’s global environment, library administrators must make complex and challenging decisions to help institutions achieve their mission, vision and goals.

The “Global Perspectives” column gathers views on current topics of global interest from authors worldwide. Topics of importance to library administrators may include:

  • Collaboration across types of libraries, regions, and national boundaries
  • The Role of international Library and Information Science (LIS) associations and organizations
  • Role of technology in the management of library and information centers
  • Building rich, robust, and sustainable digital collections
  • Assessment – new perspectives and methods
  • Facilities-Creative/ new models and how to use space effectively
  • Human Resources- Good practices, effective management styles
  • Information Literacy
  • Equitable Access to Information
  • Open Access (OA) / Open Educational Resources (OER)
  • Multilingual Information Access
  • Services to multicultural / diverse populations
  • User Experience
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) and Libraries

Interesting research, reports, opinion pieces, case studies or comparative studies are welcome! Both successful and unsuccessful projects have value to readers who want to learn and an exchange of ideas is crucial for library administrators who seek to create the best organizations possible. Contributions from across the globe add a richness that is the voice of today’s global information infrastructure. Join the conversation.

Submission Instructions

Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals are invited to submit proposals and articles to the column editor at In keeping with the JLA’s focus, articles should clearly articulate the role of administrator(s) or management. Articles should be at least 3000 words, and should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.

For more information about the Journal of Library Administration, including complete submission instructions, please visit the journal’s webpage:

Editorial information

  • Editor-in-Chief: Gary M. Pitkin, University of Northern Colorado (Retired)
  • Column Editor: Peggy Nzomo, Kent State University, Kent, OH


Peggy Nzomo


Peggy Nzomo, Ph.D

Resident - Global Education Librarian

Kent State University Libraries

Adjunct Faculty- School of Information

1125 Risman Drive, Rm 510

Kent, OH 44242


Phone: (330) 672-1661

Friday, January 29, 2021

Deadlines extended for ALA Grants and awards

 Dear IRRT Member,


Don’t miss an opportunity to apply for any of the awards or grants listed below!



Nominations open for John Ames Humphry/OCLC/Forest Press Award

The American Library Association is accepting nominations for the 2021 John Ames Humphry/OCLC/Forest Press Award for International Librarianship. Deadline extended: February 15th.




Nominations open for 2021 ALA Presidential Citation for Innovative International Library Projects

The International Relations Round Table (IRRT) invites you to submit a nomination for the ALA Presidential Citation for Innovative International Library Projects. 

The citation began as an ALA Presidential initiative of Dr. Loriene Roy, ALA president in 2007-2008 and Notable IRRT Member.  Citations are awarded each year by the ALA president at the International Relations Round Table (IRRT) International Librarians Reception during the ALA Annual Conference. Read more Deadline extended: February 15th.



Nominations sought for 2021 Bogle Pratt International Travel Fund

The American Library Association (ALA) is accepting nominations for the 2021 Bogle Pratt International Travel Fund, sponsored by the Bogle Memorial Fund and the Pratt Institute School of Information and Library Science.  An award of $1,000 is given to an ALA member to attend his/her first international conference. The nominee must have been an ALA member for one full year. Deadline extended: February 15thRead more



Call for proposals for 2021 IRRT Mission Enhancement Grant

ALA The International Relations Roundtable is calling for proposals for its 2021 IRRT Mission Enhancement Grant.  This grant was established by the IRRT to fund member-initiated proposals for international activities and initiatives which contribute to ALA’s role in international librarianship.  Goals for the funding of proposals are to promote international projects or partnerships, to promote global dialogue about librarianship, to increase visibility of international librarianship, and to increase international collaboration in librarianship. Read more Deadline: March 15th



ALA Annual Conference going virtual! -  An online event with educational programming, special author events, and networking. Early-bird registration opens March 1st.

IFLA Virtual Events for February announced

 IFLA Professional Unit Virtual Events for early February are here.  Check back for more events happening the second half of February and beyond.



IFLA SET with University of Calcutta LIS Department - Digital libraries and learning


Friday, 5 February, 15:00 – 16:30 CET/UTC+1  (Live AI translation and transcription available)

Registration Link:


Speakers: Prof Anna Maria Tammaro and Dr Juan Mastromatteo

Digital libraries are socio-technological systems whose vision originated in cognitive science for supporting knowledge creation and learning. This Webinar focuses on the theoretical approaches and best practices of the convergence between digital libraries and learning which is described through a systematic analysis of literature and documentation. Digital libraries can offer a learning environment. Furthermore, offering OER (open educational resources) digital libraries can be a strategic step to improve open education and e-learning. By bringing new applications to teaching and learning, digital libraries could act as innovators in the field of learning.

Digital librarians as educators need a better understanding of learning theories and they need to focus on the communities training needs. COVID-19's impact on digital libraries and e-learning has evidenced specific examples of the opportunities of the convergence between the communities of digital libraries and e-learning.


-Organised by the IFLA Section on Education and Training (IFLA SET) and the University of Calcutta LIS Department




IFLA News Media/Digital Humanities/FAIFE/CLM - Fake News: Impact on Society – Final event in a series of 4 events


Monday, 8-February – 16:00-17:00 CET/UTC+1 (Live AI Closed Captioning and transcription available)

Registration Link:


The final lecture in a series presented by IFLA News Media, Digital Humanities, FAIFE, and CLM, will offer three speakers' research into the concept of fake news and its impact in modern society.  Panelists Damien Wang and Sara Pek, discuss "Strengthening information literacy in the time of COVID-19: the role and contributions of the National Library of Singapore," and Victor Mutyev, will explore research titled, "News analytics in LIS Education and Practice.”


-Organised by the IFLA News Media SectionDigital Humanities & Scholarship SIGFreedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) and Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) Advisory Committees




IFLA CPDWL/KM: Knowledge Café 2021 – 2 sessions


Session 1 - Tuesday, 9-February 10:00-11:30 CET/UTC+1 (Live AI Closed Captioning and transcription available)

Registration Link:


Session 2 - Tuesday, 9-February 21:00-22:30 CET/UTC+1 (Live AI Closed Captioning and transcription available)

Registration Link:

Speakers: Daria Beliakova and Monica Ertel

The IFLA CPDWL and IFLA Knowledge Management sections invite you to participate in this professional event and to choose the time slot works for you. We have compiled the list of table topics for our Knowledge Cafe.

  • Change management techniques for staff
  • New tools for teaching and learning
  • Upgrade your brain! Top 10 essential competencies for modern info pros
  • Finding the motivation for our own professional development
  • Working with diverse generational staff: Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers
  • Designing user-centric services and programs
  • Effective and innovative ways to measure the impact of our learning activities


-Organised by the IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (IFLA CPDWL) and Knowledge Management (IFLA KM) Sections




IFLA RBSC - Rare Books and Special Collections: Adapting to a Global Pandemic


Wednesday, 10-February 14:00-15:00 CET/UTC+1 (Live AI Closed Captioning and transcription available)

Registration Link:


The IFLA Rare Books and Special Collections Section is offering a panel discussion on the different experiences, plans, and lessons learned about providing services and continuing operations during a pandemic. Learn how special collections librarians from Spain, Sweden, Singapore, and the United States, representing national libraries, university libraries, and archives have thought about strategies for both remote and in-person work under COVID-19. This will be an opportunity for the broader IFLA rare books and special collections community to talk about what we have learned this year - and how we expect to operate in the future. There will be time for questions and discussion.



  • Makeswary Periasamy - Senior Librarian, National Library Board, Singapore
  • Stephanie Stillo - Curator of the Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection, Library of Congress, United States
  • Adelaida Caro Martín - Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts, National Library of Spain
  • Peter Sjökvist - Curator, Uppsala University Library, Sweden


-Organised by the IFLA Rare Books and Special Collections Section (RBSC)



Visit IFLA’s Calendar of Events for additional details, and recordings of previous events playlist located on the IFLA YouTube channel.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Upcoming IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Knowledge Management Sections' Knowledge Café on Feb 9th.

Please join us for the upcoming IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Knowledge Management Sections' Knowledge Café (two sessions) on Feb 9. 

Participate in round table discussions on zoom. All are welcome! 

CPDWL and the Knowledge Management sections invite you to participate in this professional event and to choose the time slot works for you. 

Session 1: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm Moscow Standard Time (UTC+3): Zoom Registration Link

Session 2: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm Pacific time (UTC-8): Zoom Registration Link

We have compiled the list of table topics for our Knowledge Café.

  1. Change management techniques for staff
  2. Upgrade your brain! Top 10 essential competencies for modern info pros
  3. Finding the motivation for our own professional development
  4. Working with diverse generational staff: Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers
  5. Designing user-centric services and programs

Not sure what is a knowledge café? Check out the CPDWL Podcast Project's recent episode on the Knowledge Café:

Webinar: Libraries in the New Normal by IFLA President—February 26, National Diet Library, Japan

 NDL (BC) 2012101-4-2

January 28, 2021

Dear colleagues,

You are invited to participate in a free zoom webinar, “Libraries in the
New Normal” by president of the IFLA, to be held on Friday, February 26,
2021, at 14:00-15:10 (JST/UTC+0900).

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about tremendous changes to our daily
lives, and libraries everywhere now face the challenge of maintaining
and improving their services while ensuring the safety of patrons and
The National Diet Library, Japan is honored to host a web lecture
featuring Ms. Christine Mackenzie, president of the IFLA, who will talk
about measures taken by the IFLA and libraries around the world in
response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as discussing potential
future international cooperation.

Ms. Christine Mackenzie, president of the IFLA

Date and time:
Friday, February 26, 2021, 14:00-15:10 (JST/UTC+0900).
English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

Register at:

Registration closes:
Friday, February 19, 2021, at 17:00 (JST/UTC+0900).
Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

For enquiries:
Branch Libraries and Cooperation Division, Administrative Department,
National Diet Library
Tel: +81-3-3581-2331

We look forward to your participation.

Best regards,

OSHIBA Tadahiko (Mr.)
Branch Libraries and Cooperation Division
Administrative Department
National Diet Library, Japan

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

IFLA Webinars: Mapping LIS Education Programs: Professional, Education and Research Perspectives

 Mapping LIS Education Programs: Professional, Education and Research Perspectives

Date and time: February 9, 2021, 3:00-4:30 pm Chicago / February 10, 8:00-9:30 am Melbourne

[For your local time, check]

FREE webinar - Register at

The IFLA Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE) Working Group invites you to the Mapping Library and Information Science (LIS) Education Programs webinar to learn about the international survey, directory and map of LIS education programs developed as a response to one of the recommendations of the IFLA Building Strong LIS Education White Paper (2018). Technical specialists will present the development of the survey, directory and map, and provide a demonstration. LIS leaders will address opportunities, needs and sustainability of the directory and map from professional, education and research perspectives.


Christine Mackenzie, President, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (; Freelance Librarian (Australia)

Sandra Hirsh, President, Association for Library and Information Science Education (; Associate Dean of Academics, College of Professional and Global Education, San Jose State University (United States)

Carlos Alberto Ávila Araújo, President, Asociación de Educación e Investigación en Ciencia de la Información de Iberoamérica y el Caribe (; Associate Professor, School of Information Science, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)

Technical Presenters:

Nuria Bautista-Puig, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Industrial Management, University of Gävle (Sweden)

Tiago Braga, General Coordinator of Information and Computer Technologies, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (Brazil)

Chris Cunningham, Adjunct Professor, North Carolina Central University (United States)

Fatih Oguz, Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (United States)


Clara M. Chu, Director and Mortenson Distinguished Professor, Mortenson Center for International Library Programs, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States)

Jaya Raju, Professor and Head, Department of Knowledge and Information Stewardship, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

The BSLISE Working Group is an initiative of the IFLA Education and Training Section (SET), LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group (LISEDC SIG), and Library Theory and Research (LTR) Section. To learn more, visit

Hosted by the Mortenson Center for International Library ProgramsUniversity of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign.

Unsubscribe from this list :
For assistance please contact

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

International Conference on Bibliographic Control in the Digital Ecosystem

 The University of Florence, Italy (SAGAS Dept., and University Library System), in cooperation with the IFLA Bibliography Section, the Italian Library Association (Associazione Italiana Biblioteche), and with all the following promoter institutions


Associazione Italiana Editori

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma

Biblioteca Nazionale Svizzera BN

Casalini libri

European University Institute

Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche - Italian Journal of Library, Archives, and Information Science

Società italiana di Scienze Bibliografiche e Biblioteconomiche

Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica della Toscana

Wikimedia Italia


are organising an International Conference on Bibliographic Control in the Digital Ecosystem, which will be held online from 8 to 12 February 2021, starting at 15:00 CET.


Participation is free, but registration is required.

The programme and the registration form are available at the Conference web address


The Conference aims to explore the new boundaries of Universal Bibliographic Control, which are widening in the digital ecosystem. Bibliographic control is radically changing because the bibliographic universe is radically changing: resources, actors, technologies, standards, and practices. As a "non-commercial public space" (IFLA Global Vision) – not only in a literal sense – libraries reaffirm a fundamental role also in the digital ecosystem.


The speakers have been selected from among the leading experts in the field. Papers will be presented in English or in Italian with slides in English and published on, issue 1, 2022.


Thanks to the Conference partners Associazione Italiana Biblioteche – Sezione ToscanaCasalini libriOCLCSpace.


For more info:


Liliane Regamey

Responsable de la Section utilisation


Département fédéral de l'Intérieur DFI

Office fédéral de la culture OFI

Bibliothèque nationale suisse BN


Hallwylstrasse 15, 3003 Berne


Tel + 41 (0)58 462 89 46

Library and Archives Canada newsletter: Governance and Recordkeeping Around the World

 I am a member of the team that produces the Governance and Recordkeeping Around the World newsletter and I thought it might be of interest. Feel free to forward this email to your colleagues.


The newsletter helps readers keep current with the latest news, initiatives, guidance, best practices, and tools in information management, archives, and libraries.


I am attaching a link to our newsletter Home Page. The January 2021 issue of the newsletter is now online.


For those who are interested in receiving this free online newsletter please send an email to


Thank you.



Stephen Gerley


Agent de projets, Direction générale des Archives

Bibliothèque et Archives Canada / Gouvernement du Canada / Tél. : 613-240-6408


Project Officer, Archives Branch

Library and Archives Canada / Government of Canada / Tel: 613-240-6408

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Reminder: Zoom link change for the IRRT All-Committees Meeting

 Dear IRRT members.

The link to the All-Committees Meeting on Saturday has changed (see below). The date and the time remain the same -Saturday, January 23 from 11 am -12:30 p.m. CST (12:00-1:30 p.m. EST).  Make sure to update your calendar!

Registration to the 2021 ALA Midwinter Virtual is not necessary to attend the meeting.

Committee representatives will give 3-minute presentations about the work of each committee. The goal of the meeting is the familiarize current and prospective IRRT committee members with the mission and accomplishments of each committee.

We hope you will be able to attend the meeting.

Here are the details (no registration required):

Time: Jan 23, 2021, 9:00AM Pacific Time| 10:00AM Mountain Time | 11:00 AM Central Time | 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada), Time Zone Converter

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 942 2938 0751
Passcode: 022715

One tap mobile
+13126266799,,94229380751#,,,,*022715# US (Chicago)
+19294362866,,94229380751#,,,,*022715# US (New York)

Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
833 548 0282 US Toll-free
877 853 5257 US Toll-free
888 475 4499 US Toll-free
833 548 0276 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 942 2938 0751
Passcode: 022715
Find your local number:

Alexandra Humphreys
Associate Librarian
Arizona State University

New issue of SEALG Newsletter published

 The latest issue of the SEALG Newsletter has been published recently and can now be downloaded from our group’s homepage at Please feel free to circulate the link to anyone you think may be interested in reading the newsletter, which is an open-access publication freely available to anyone.

Contents of the newsletter include:

  • Researchers' archives on the ODSAS platform: examples from Vietnam and Burma by Louise Pichard-Bertaux 
  • The Malay Studies Library, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Awang Azman Awang Pawi and Haslan Bin Tamjehi
  • Celebrating 50 years of excellence: Southeast Asia scholarship and stewardship at Berkeley, 1970-2020 by Virginia Shih 
  • The Javanese Manuscripts from Yogyakarta Digitisation Project by Annabel Teh Gallop 
  • Place names and descriptions of local landscapes recorded in the colophons of Shan Buddhist manuscripts by Jotika Khur-Yearn 
  • Textile book covers in the Shan manuscript tradition by Jana Igunma

Previous issues of the Newsletter that were published in electronic format are also available on the SEALG homepage.