Saturday, June 23, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m
Global mobility and recent worldwide crises have led to an increase in immigrants and refugees seeking to improve their lives in sometimes unfamiliar countries and cultures. Libraries around the globe are responding to and welcoming the newcomers of all ages, languages, and nationalities into their communities. By developing services, programs, collections and spaces, they are assisting these particularly vulnerable populations with logistical and cultural adjustment through such programs as innovative language learning meet-ups, job-seeking guidance, and homework assistance. During this program, you’ll hear about how librarians in Malmö, Sweden; Cologne, Germany; and Kentucky, U.S., are using ground-breaking models and creating dynamic spaces to engage immigrants and refugees. Panelists will make suggestions on how you can adapt these ideas to transform your own libraries into socially inclusive spaces.
Director of the Cologne Public Library, Germany
Torbjörn Nilsson,
Library Director Malmö City Library, Sweden
Sophie Maier,
Immigrant Services Librarian at the Iroquois Branch,
Louisville Free Public Library, Kentucky
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