Monday, November 26, 2018

LIBER 2019 Annual Conference Call for Papers

The Call for Papers for LIBER’s 2019 Annual Conference (26-28 June, Dublin) is now open. The theme is Research Libraries for Society and we are looking for papers and posters on a range of topics including:
  • Citizen science and public engagement
  • Copyright and legal matters
  • Information ethics
  • Open Science, including Open Access
  • Linked open data and semantic interoperability
  • Digital humanities and digital cultural heritage
  • The future of collections
  • Bibliometrics
  • Emerging initiatives
The deadline to submit a proposal is 14 January 2019. For more information, visit the LIBER 2019 website.

UCLA Library offers grant to digitize at-risk cultural heritage content

Documenting Global Voices is a granting program that enables organizations holding at-risk materials as well as faculty, researchers, and cultural heritage specialists to digitize analog materials or to collect and make accessible existing digital assets.

Preliminary Applications open: 01 December 2018

Preliminary Applications due: 15 January 2019        

Content scope:
  • Rare and unique materials of historical, cultural and social significance
  • 19th century – present
  • Focus on materials located in Africa, Central and Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America, and the Middle East
The UCLA Library will make all digitized items publicly available online.
Learn more:  or contact:

Monday, November 19, 2018

Call for Proposals: ALA Annual 2019

The American Library Association's International Relations Round Table Papers and Projects Committee invites proposals for presentations to be made at the next ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., USA. Presentations will be delivered at the International Papers Session scheduled in June 2019. The International Papers and Projects Program provides librarians with an opportunity to exchange information about library services, collections and projects throughout the world. The program also serves to stimulate the interest of U.S. librarians in international library matters.

We invite presentation proposals based on the International Papers and Projects 2019 theme: Preparing for a Changing World: How Libraries Facilitate the Acquisition of New Skill Sets in Communities.
Societies are constantly changing whether because of demography, socio-political climates or even new technology disruptions which require new ways of thinking and learning. All of these have an impact on communities, how they function, interact as well as a bearing on who gets ahead and who falls behind. Libraries have long sought to level the playing field, promoting equity and inclusivity while trying to keep up with change. With an ever-widening scope, libraries increasingly play the role of a facilitator, bringing together different stakeholders in the community to strengthen and improve the lives of those it serves.

Do you have a story to share about how your library, on its own or in collaboration with community organizations, is encouraging the acquisition of new skill sets such as health literacy for an aging population, new media initiatives and strategies that help families navigate a changing media landscape, critical evaluation skills to help members assess the information they consume online and other life skills like communication and negotiation that have grown in importance in a divisive world?

Possible topics relating to this theme may include-but are not limited to:
  • New kinds of literacies that you have implemented in their libraries and how it has impacted the communities you serve.
  • How your library has worked with stakeholders to expand what you are able to offer in terms of either imparting new skills or provision of information.
  • Creative use of social media and/or technologies to reach out to the wider population.
  • How your projects have been marketed to ensure that initiatives are well-publicized.
  • Use of data to make informed decisions on what is needed.
  • Working with other libraries across borders to maximize resources and/or to augment developmental needs.
For more details, visit
Deadline for submitting proposals is December 31, 2018.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Call for submissions: Journal of Library Administration, Global Perspectives Column

The Journal of Library Administration informs readers on research, current developments, and trends related to the leadership and management of libraries. Stressing the practical, this forward-looking journal provides information that library administrators need to manage their organizations efficiently and effectively. In today’s global environment, library administrators must make complex and challenging decisions to help institutions achieve their mission, vision and goals.

The “Global Perspectives” column gathers views on current topics of global interest from authors worldwide.

Topics of importance to library administrators may include:
  • Collaboration across types of libraries, regions, and national boundaries
  • The Role of international Library and Information Science (LIS) associations and organizations
  • Role of technology in the management of library and information centers
  • Building rich, robust, and sustainable digital collections
  • Assessment – new perspectives and methods
  • Facilities-Creative/ new models and how to use space effectively
  • Human Resources- Good practices, effective management styles
  • Information Literacy
  • Equitable Access to Information
  • Open Access (OA) / Open Educational Resources (OER)
  • Multilingual Information Access
  • Services to multicultural / diverse populations
  • User Experience
Interesting research, reports, opinion pieces, case studies or comparative studies are welcome! Both successful and unsuccessful projects have value to readers who want to learn and an exchange of ideas is crucial for library administrators who seek to create the best organizations possible. Contributions from across the globe add a richness that is the voice of today’s global information infrastructure.

Submission Instructions
Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals are invited to submit proposals and articles to the column editor at In keeping with the JLA’s focus, articles should clearly articulate the role of administrator(s) or management. Articles should be at least 3000, and should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.

For more information about the Journal of Library Administration, including complete submission instructions, visit the journal’s webpage at

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Applications for the 2019 Anthony Thompson Award are open until 31 December 2018

The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and its International Library and Information Group (ILIG) invite applicants from new professionals working in Europe to apply for a funded study tour to the United Kingdom in July 2019. This award enables a qualified librarian from outside the United Kingdom (UK) to visit and study some aspects of UK library and information work.

If you have any enquiries about this award, please direct them to Anna Jablkowska, the ILIG Secretary, at
Anthony Thompson was the first full-time Secretary-General of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), serving from 1962 to 1970. Following his death in 1979, a trust fund was set up for the study of international and comparative librarianship.

Applicants should have a maximum of five years post-qualification experience and not have made a previous professional visit to the UK.

The selection panel encourages applications for the 2019 award from Europe. Given the emergence and importance of new professionals within international librarianship, applications for 2019 will be considered from qualified librarians of any age with up to five years post-qualification experience.
A panel comprising members of CILIP and members of the ILIG committee will consider applications. Their decision will be final and they will not enter into correspondence on it.

Normally visits last for up to three weeks in June or July and it is hoped that the scholarship visit will be planned to coincide with CILIP’s Conference to be held 3-4 July 2019 in Manchester. The scholarship supports transport to and from the UK, travel within the UK and a small daily maintenance allowance.

Applicants should submit:
  1. A formal proposal in English of up to 500 words (equivalent to 1–2 pages of A4 paper) detailing how the visit will support their professional development within the context of their career to date and using the headings:
    • Visit objectives
    • Planned approach and content including proposed activities
    • Expected outcomes and impact post-visit
  2. A Curriculum Vitae of up to four pages in length, including the names of two referees in senior posts. Applicants are encouraged to seek the support of their line-manager or organisation, prior to submitting an application.

Within six months of their visit, applicants will be required to write a reflective report of not more than 4,000 words and a version for publication in Focus, CILIP ILIG’s journal.

The deadline for the receipt of proposals for the 2019 scholarship is 31 December 2018. The successful applicant will be notified by the end of February 2019.

The selection of the successful candidate will be based on the following criteria:
  • The benefits of the project to the broader profession as well as to the award recipient.
  • The relevance of the application to the purpose of the Award.
  • The clarity of the proposal, including aims and objectives, presented in sufficient depth to allow the selection panel to make an informed decision as to its feasibility.
  • The expected outcomes of the proposed study (e.g. its impact on professional development or place of work).

The proposal should be sent by e-mail to Anna Jablkowska, the ILIG Secretary, at

Sunday, October 28, 2018

2018 Achievement in Library Diversity Research winner announced

Raymond Pun, doctoral student in educational leadership at California State University (CODEL), is the recipient of the 2018 American Library Association (ALA) Achievement in Library Diversity Research Honor. As part of its ongoing support of the propagation of library-based diversity research, the Diversity Research Grants Advisory Committee and the ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services (ODLOS) are pleased to recognize his contributions to the profession and his promotion of diversity within it. Achievement is defined as a body of work or a groundbreaking piece whose dissemination advances our understanding of or sparks new research in the areas of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Raymond PunPun has conducted numerous research projects and published a series of collections, articles, and digital/print pieces in support of diversity, inclusivity and social justice in the LIS profession. Most recently, he co-edited the book Asian American Librarians and Library Services: Activism, Collaborations and Strategies with Janet H. Clarke and Monnee Tong. This is the first book on Asian-Pacific American librarians' experiences and perspectives in the field. The stories reflect a diversity of experiences in the field and provide first-hand accounts of APA librarians conducting innovative outreach service to support their communities.

Pun was named a “Mover & Shaker" by Library Journal in 2012. He was a 2014 ALA Emerging Leader sponsored by CALA. He holds an MLS degree from Queens College and an MA in East Asian Studies from Saint John’s University.

“I believe my research and publications have created new opportunities for other folks who are underrepresented in our fields to affirm that their stories and experiences matter,” shares Pun. He has written for many trade and open access publications to advocate for social justice in LIS and to share his experiences as a librarian of color. 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Call for Papers: International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference

The 10th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference has issued a Call for Papers. Conference theme: Using evidence in times of uncertainty.

The use of evidence is becoming more and more important as a routine part of library planning and decision making. This inclusive conference theme will encourage practitioners and researchers to think about what evidence is, how we collect it, and how we use it in these uncertain times. Pre-conference workshops covering a range of topics relating to research, evaluation and evidence-based practice will be held on 15-16 June 2019. The main conference will take place 17-19 June 2019.

The conference will provide a practical and accessible forum for librarians and information practitioners from all sectors to discover, use and disseminate evidence that may contribute to decision-making and advocacy in today's professional practice. This includes those who:
  • Are interested in the evaluation of library services or library assessment
  • Need to demonstrate the impact or value of their library service
  • Wish to build an evidence-based approach to their practice
  • Collect data about their services but don't know what to do with it
  • Wish to include the user experience in library decision making
  • Are interested in methods for evidence-based library and information practice
EBLIP conferences tend to be relatively small and particularly friendly places offering a stimulating environment for librarians across sectors to meet and share ideas. First-time conference attendees are welcome and can look forward to a lively social programme to complement the academic content.

Proposal submissions:
Submissions are invited in the form of papers (for an oral presentation - 20 minutes) or  posters. For papers and posters, abstracts of no more than 350 words should be submitted using a structured abstract form (Title, Aim, Methods, Results, Discussion/ Conclusion). 
Submissions should address an area related to the conference theme: Using evidence in times of uncertainty.

Key Dates:
  • 7th September 2018 – call for papers opens
  • 30th November 2018 - call for papers closes
  • 15 January 2019 - Authors of submissions notified of decision
  • 15 February 2019 - Deadline for authors of submissions to confirm participation
  • Spring 2019 - Registration opens
More information is available on the Conference Website at

For programme queries, contact the International Programme Chair, Alison Brettle at

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Building Strong LIS Education: A Call to Global and Local Action

The Building Strong Library and Information Science Education (BSLISE) Working Group ( of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is working to develop an international quality assurance framework that will guide and promote international educational standards in Library Information Science.

The Working Group has released a White Paper based on their findings from an international survey to understand the qualification requirements for library and information “professional” practice around the world.

Read the full report online at

ACRL international Perspectives Webinar

Interested in learning about working at the University of Oxford's Bodleian Libraries? Hal Kirkwood, formerly at Purdue Libraries recently took the position as the Business Librarian in the Bodleian Libraries. Join us to hear what's it like working in one of the most important research libraries in the world. He will share his experiences working abroad, and his transition to his exciting role there.

Join ACRL on October 11, 2018 at 9:00 AM (Pacific Time) for this free webinar featuring University of Oxford Bodleian Libraries' Business Librarian Hal Kirkwood.

Register at 

The webinar will be recorded.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

IFLA and the Global Day of Action for the SDGs

2019 will be a big year in IFLA’s work on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

With a focus on SDG 4 (education), SDG 8 (employment), SDG 10 (inequality) and SDG 16 (which includes access to information), IFLA looks forward to many opportunities to highlight the importance of libraries for development.

IFLA is hosting a free 30 minute webinar on 20 September at 1:30pm (time is UTC+1. Click here to see when this is where you are) to inform international librarians about the following:
  • What is coming up at the UN in the next 12 months
  • What plans IFLA has, and what briefings are available
  • How you can engage, starting with getting your events and initiatives highlighted on the Global Day of Action for the SDGs on 25 September
Join the webinar at the following link: No registration required.

A recording of the webinar will be posted on IFLA's event page.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Meet Le Yang: ALA International Spotlight

September's ALA International Spotlight features Le Yang, an academic librarian from the People’s Republic of China.

Le Yang is Head of Digital Library Collection Development at Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), a Sino-American jointly-operating university founded in 2012, with a current undergraduate enrollment of over 2,000 students.
Le Yang portrait

Yang is Past President of the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) and a member of several other library associations. He has published research results in scholarly journals and presented at national and international conferences and has served as editorial board member, guest editor, and reviewer for several library and information science journals.

Read the full International Spotlight feature at to learn more about Le Yang, international librarian.

I am ALA INTERNATIONAL SPOTLIGHT is one of several new initiatives by ALA President 2018-2019 Loida Garcia-Febo to expand ALA’s global presence. By highlighting and recognizing talented international members from different regions around the world, ALA is truly a global association with a strong mission in supporting library workers and advocates. Each month, I am ALA INTERNATIONAL SPOTLIGHT will feature a new international member who will share how ALA has supported their work and how they see the profession today.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Call for Submissions: Association for Information Science and Technology Asia Pacific Regional Conference

A low-technology or low-tech information environment is one with relatively unsophisticated technological development or equipment. For example, many institutions operate in areas with little or no Internet access or operate in infrastructure-light but mobile-heavy environments.

Even with rapid developments in technological infrastructure in many parts of the world, low-tech information environments persist for many reasons. For instance, institutional cultures and mindsets simply do not support organisational changes in information technology; the push for greener and healthier information practices may sometimes favour low-technological environment; or the lack of infrastructure or resources may render organisations and institutions to adopt adaptable and often low-tech solutions.

This conference, which takes place January 3-4, 2019, will focus on effective learning in such contexts. We are interested in (but not limited to) the following topics:
  • Learning in low-tech information environments across different organisational contexts
  • Case studies of information worlds, cultures, social dynamics, and access from the Asia-Pacific region
  • Green information systems and learning
  • Implementation of high-tech information and technological strategies in low-tech environments
  • Pedagogical approaches, models, and theories for effective learning in low-tech environments
  • Learning in formal and informal low-tech settings
  • Strategies and challenges for learning in low-tech information environments
  • Evaluation and assessment of learning in low-tech environments
  • Research methods, ethics and implementation of learning in low-tech environments
  • Innovation of learning in low-tech information environments
  • The future of learning in low-tech environments
We invite papers, posters, panels and workshop submissions centred on this theme from or relating to the Asia-Pacific region. Work that reflects the broader mandate of ASIS&T (Association for Information Science and Technology), regarding the creation, representation, storage, access, dissemination and use of information, media and records, and the systems, tools, and technologies associated with these processes will also be of interest. The conference embraces plurality in methods and theories, and encompasses research, development and practice from a broad spectrum of domains, as encapsulated in ASIS&T's many special interest groups (SIGs). Please note that at least one of the authors must register for the conference in order for an accepted paper to be part of the proceedings.

Important dates
All proposals are to be submitted through the EasyChair system. If you have any questions about the submissions process, please contact Natalie Pang at or Diane Velasquez at

Long and Short Papers
Submission System opens: 25 June 2018
Submissions due: 22 September 2018
Notifications: 10 November 2018
Final publishable version due: 20 December 2018

Panels, Visual Presentations and Workshops 
Submission System opens: 25 June 2018
Submissions due: 22 October 2018
Notifications: 10 November 2018
Final publishable version due: 20 December 2018

Submission types
1) Long Papers:  Long papers should discuss, analyze, critique theories and concepts, or report original, unpublished research; all papers must be substantiated by experimentation, simulation, theoretical development, analysis or application in practice. Submissions will be judged on such criteria as quality of content, significance for theory, relevance for practice, method, design, originality, and quality of presentation.
    2) Short Papers:  Short papers are similar to long papers in terms of scope, but may also report work in progress. Submissions will be judged on such criteria as quality of content, significance for theory, relevance for practice, method, design, originality, and quality of presentation.
      3) Panels: Proposals for panels are invited on topics that explore emerging cutting-edge research and design, analyses of emerging trends, opinions on controversial issues, analyses of tools and techniques, or contrasting viewpoints from experts in complementary areas of research. Panels are not a substitute for a set of contributed papers; they must have a cohesive theme and promote lively discussions. Proposals should include an overview of the issues to be discussed and must also list panellists who have agreed to participate, indicating the qualifications and contributions of each.

      4) Visual Presentations: Submissions are also invited for visual presentation via poster, demonstration, video, etc. at the meeting. Visual presentations are expected to invite questions and discussion and offer a unique opportunity to present late-breaking results, work in progress, or research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format.  Authors are expected to address how the work will be presented at the meeting.
        5) Workshops: Workshops will be held before or after the conference. The purpose of a workshop is to provide a more informal setting for the exchange of ideas on a focused topic and suggest directions for future work. As such, they offer a good opportunity for researchers and professionals to present and discuss their work among a targeted and interested community. Workshops may be mini-focused research presentations, a series of working events, brainstorming and idea sharing, or even teaching/learning a new skill like a tutorial.
          Submissions should be formatted according to the AM18 Proposal Template.

          Publication opportunities
          The three best conference papers (short or full) accepted by this conference will be nominated for submission to JASIST, a top journal in Information Science and Technology.

          Location: University of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

          For more information, visit the conference website.

          Saturday, August 11, 2018

          Call for Proposals: 11th Annual Symposium on Scholarship and Practice

          Bridging the Spectrum: The 11th Annual Symposium on Scholarship and Practice

          Friday, February 8, 2019 at Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.                                 

          Proposals are invited for the 2019 Bridging the Spectrum Symposium. Researchers, practitioners and students are encouraged to submit their proposals to share research findings, best practices, and works in progress at  

          Proposals may relate to various aspects of library and information science including, but not limited to:
          • Information services in the "fake news" era
          • New developments in information organization (linked data, semantic web, blockchain, etc.)
          • Preservation and management of digital and digitized resources
          • Management and analysis of data and information
          • Library networks and international collaboration
          • Technology trends and impact on information services
          • Marketing and advocacy for library and information services (social media, community engagement, etc.)
          • Management of information services in cultural institutions
          Presentation Formats
          Proposed contributions may take the form of one of these formats:
          • Briefing: A presentation on an innovative practice, initiative, or research activity. Each briefing may take 15-20 minutes. There will morning and afternoon briefing sessions.
          • Panel: A panel of speakers discussing a theme or a topic, typically one hour in length. 
          • Poster: A poster presentation on a practice, project, research activity or work in progress. Posters will be viewable throughout the day, and there will be a dedicated poster session as well as a "lightning round" of poster descriptions.
          Important Dates
              •    Proposal Submissions Open: July 18, 2018
              •    Proposals Due: September 18, 2018
              •    Notification of Acceptances: November 5, 2018
              •    Final Program released, registration opens: December 11, 2018
              •    Symposium: February 8, 2019

          Submit your proposal at

          Find additional information about the 2019 Symposium at

          Monday, August 6, 2018

          ALA International Member - Sara Ulloa

          I am ALA INTERNATIONAL SPOTLIGHT highlights and recognizes talented international members from different regions around the world. The inaugural international spotlight features Sara Ulloa, a school librarian in Peru.

          Can you tell us about yourself and your library?
          Sara Ulloa photoMy name is Sara Ulloa. I am a school librarian from Peru. I work at San Silvestre School, a British school in Lima, which has three libraries: Early Years, Primary and Secondary Section. I am in charge of the Secondary Section. Our library is bright and welcoming. Every year we update our collections in order to adjust it to the curriculum; we do it in collaboration with teachers and students. My favourite part is to update the Fiction collection because it is important to keep it alive for the pleasure of young readers. I like helping students to find a book they connect with. Also, I assist students with their research and subsequent referencing skills. I find being a school librarian brings out my creativity and puts in practice my other studies such as graphic design, marketing and photography. It is my hope to pursue a career in the area of Information Literacy.

          Welcome to the library photo
          Why is it important to be an international librarian today?
          It is important for me to be an international librarian today because we are living in a global society. As an international librarian who comes from a country where libraries barely exist, knowing other experiences is essential. It gives me a wide perspective of the career and enhances my knowledge considering most of the research in Library Science comes from countries where their library community and policy is stronger. Also, being an international librarian connects me with colleagues from around the world who share interests in my area, school libraries. It is inspiring for me to be connected with people who are making great contributions within our profession.

          Tell us three words that describe you?
          Enthusiastic, curious, learner.

          How has ALA helped you in your career?
          It awakes my library conscience, which I define as having the sense of free access to basic services for reading, information and the world’s cultures; I consider this a basic human right but not everyone has access to it. It has allowed me to see that having a library service network within Peru is a dream that can be achieved. It has helped me to realize that having more professional librarians working in the field is a necessity. Sadly, it has also made me realize how far my country has yet to go with regard to these issues.  The ALA has also given me the opportunity for professional development. For instance, I attended its annual conference in Chicago last year and found it was amazing. It had never occurred to me that I would be surrounded by thousands of colleagues and I would be meeting authors like Raina Telgemeier, Cece Bell and Veronica Roth, among other famous personalities. Attending this type of conferences increase my motivation and learning continuum.

          Sunday, July 29, 2018

          Applications open for ALCTS Online Course Grant for Library Professionals from Developing Countries

          The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS), a division of the American Library Association, is accepting applications for the Online Course Grant for Library Professionals from Developing Countries to participate in online Fundamentals courses held between September 10 and December 21, 2018.

          One free seat per session is available to librarians and information professionals from developing countries.

          For full information about the grant, including eligibility criteria and a link to the application form, visit
          Applications may be submitted between July 31 and August 24, 2018

          Fundamentals of Acquisitions (FOA)
          Session 4: September 10-October 19
          Session 5: November 5-December 21

          The Fundamentals of Acquisitions (FOA) web course focuses on the basics of acquiring monographs and serials:  goals and methods, financial management of library collections budgets, and relationships among acquisitions librarians, library booksellers, subscription agents, and publishers.  In this course, you will receive a broad overview of the operations involved in acquiring materials after the selection decision is made.  Note that in FOA, we distinguish between collection development, which involves the selection of materials for the library; and acquisitions, which orders, receives, and pays for those materials.

          Fundamentals of Electronic Resources Acquisitions (FERA)
          Session 4: October 1-October 26
          Session 5: November 26-December 21

          The Fundamentals of Electronic Resources Acquisitions (FERA) web course will provide an overview of acquiring, providing access to, administering, supporting, and monitoring access to electronic resources.  It will provide a basic background in electronic resource acquisitions including product trials, licensing, purchasing methods, and pricing models and will provide an overview of the sometimes complex relationships between vendors, publishers, platform providers, and libraries.

          Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management (FCDM)
          Session 4: September 17-October 12
          Session 5: November 12-December 14

          The Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management web course addresses the basic components of these important areas of responsibility in libraries. Components include complete definition of collection development and collection management; collections policies and budgets as part of library planning; collection development (selecting for and building collections); collection management (e.g., making decisions after materials are selected, including decisions about withdrawal, transfer, preservation); collection analysis—why and how to do it; outreach, liaison, and marketing; trends and suggestions about the future for collection development and management.

          Fundamentals of Collection Assessment (FCA)
          Session 4:  October 1-November 9
          This online course introduces the fundamental aspects of collection assessment in libraries. The course is designed for those who are responsible for or interested in collection assessment in all types and sizes of libraries. The course will introduce key concepts in collection assessment including the definition of collection assessment, techniques and tools, assessment of print and electronic collections, and project design and management.

          Fundamentals of Cataloging (FOC)
          Session 4: September 10-October 19
          Session 5: October 29-December 14

          Fundamentals of Cataloging (FOC) web course begins with a discussion of how cataloging assists users in finding resources and of the value of standardization of practice. These foundations are then given practical grounding in the work of creating bibliographic descriptions, the process of subject analysis, and summarizing content utilizing classification. Standards such as MARC bibliographic and authority formats, Library of Congress Subject Headings and Library of Congress Classification are discussed. The shift in focus from format-based cataloging to entity-relationship model cataloging is taken from the FRBR foundation to the RDA practical application, with a final look at RDF triples and BIBFRAME. In all areas, the value of standards is illustrated and discussed. There is a heavy reliance on examples from actual practice throughout the course content.

          Fundamentals of Preservation (FOP)
          Session 4: October 22-November 16 
          The Fundamentals of Preservation web course introduces participants to the principles, policies and practices of preservation in libraries and archives.  The course is designed to inform all staff, across divisions and departments and at all levels of responsibility. It provides tools to begin extending the useful life of library collections.  Components include preservation as a formal library function and how it reflects and supports the institutional mission; the primary role of preventive care, including good storage conditions, emergency planning and careful handling of collections; the history and manufacture of physical formats and how this impacts preservation options; standard methods of care and repair, as well as reformatting options; and challenges in preserving digital content and what the implications are for the future of scholarship.

          Fundamentals of Metadata (FOM)
          Session 5: October 22-December 7
          The Fundamentals of Metadata is an introduction to fundamental concepts of metadata, including: similarities and differences between cataloging and metadata; descriptive, technical, and administrative metadata schema; content standards and controlled vocabularies; approaches to metadata creation and transformation and metadata project design.

          Wednesday, July 25, 2018

          Libraries and the Internet Governance Forum

          The Internet is increasingly central to the way we create, share, access and use information. For libraries to be able to achieve their mission of providing universal, equitable and meaningful access to information, it has to work for everyone. IFLA has produced a number of statements advocating for this, notably around Public Access, Internet Shutdowns and Digital Literacy.

          A key global forum for discussing relevant policy questions is the Internet Governance Forum, a UN body allowing for informal discussion and sharing of views between governments, business, experts and civil society. IFLA has attended the global forum and been represented at regional ones. There are also many national events, which can offer libraries an opportunity to build a profile, promote our work and value, and network useful contacts.

          IFLA's new guide, Get into IGF, sets out what the IGF is, why engaging helps libraries, and offers some ideas for what libraries and library associations can do to get involved. You can download the guide on IFLA's website at

          Friday, July 20, 2018

          ALA President seeks to increase engagement with and awareness of interational topics

          American Library Association (ALA) President Loida Garcia-Febo has announced a variety of programs and tools to engage, retain and expand ALA’s international members: from free webinars to opportunities for engagement with librarians from various countries. The International Relations Advisory Committee, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and  ALA International Relations Office will cooperate to increase awareness of international topics impacting the world and our profession.

          “Regardless of where they reside, libraries and library workers are essential in helping transform lives and communities through multicultural understanding and resources,” said Garcia-Febo. The substantial number of international members are valuable to the ALA, who wishes to increase their engagement in programs and initiatives.

          Garcia-Febo plans to take her Libraries = Strong Communities advocacy campaign to regions of the world where ALA already has long standing commitments by formally launching a Global Tour of libraries. This includes events such as The Guadalajara Book Fair (FIL) and the German Library Association Annual Conference.

          For more information regarding Garcia-Febo’s International Relations efforts, visit or follow #LibrariesStrong.

          Read the full ALA press release at

          Monday, July 16, 2018

          Call for Nominations-American Library in Paris 2018-2020

          The International Relations Committee of the American Library Association announces a call for nominations for ALA Representative to the Board of Trustees of the American Library in Paris.

          This two-year appointment would begin in September 2018 with the appointee having to cover costs to attend one board meeting a year in Paris. ALA does not provide financial support for the representative. The ALA representative is a non-voting member of the Board of Trustees.

          The deadline to submit a nomination is August 10, 2018.

          The representative should have a knowledge of U.S. public library management, broad professional contacts; knowledge of current library theory and practices; broad knowledge of library and library related organizations, information services, and networks; interpersonal skills, strong written and oral skills; experience working with international library associations or libraries, appreciation of views from different cultures.

          If you are interested in being nominated please submit a letter of interest and resume or CV by email to

          Visit the criteria and responsibilities page for more information.

          Sunday, July 8, 2018

          Sustainable Development Goals in American Libraries Today: Why Should You Care?

          Join us for a free ALA webinar on Sustainable Development Goals in American libraries today
          Thursday, July 19 at 9 am PST/ 11 am CST / 12 pm EST

          Libraries are creating and cultivating new relationships with international communities and supporting these efforts. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established in 2016 by the United Nations (UN) to guide developed and developing countries alike in their development efforts. Libraries and librarians are essential to municipal development and to help each one of the communities where we are. This free webinar will feature speakers who will share different perspectives on the SDGs and its role in American libraries in supporting their communities from sustainable practices to user engagement approaches. ALA President Loida Garcia-Febo will provide opening remarks on SDGs in the library profession.

          Maria Violeta Bertolini, IFLA Advocacy Communications Officer
          Gerald Beasley, University Librarian at Cornell University Libraries
          Maria McCauley, Director of Cambridge Public Libraries
          Gary Shaffer, Director of Library and Information Management at USC Marshall School of Business

          How to participate:  Use the link below to connect the day of the webinar.
          Join webinar:

          The webinar will be recorded and archived at

          Relevant Readings:
          Access and Opportunity for All: How Libraries contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda

          Examples of how libraries and library services contribute to development

          This webinar is presented through AdobeConnect. Requirements include internet access (high-speed connection is best) and media player software. Headphones are recommended. Check if your system supports this software using the links below.
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          Monday, July 2, 2018

          Call for proposals: Critical Librarianship and Library Management (ALAO)

          The critical librarianship movement has shone light on many aspects of our profession and encouraged us to question why we do things the way we do them. One area underexplored in this moment, however, is library management: Are there management practices that need to be questioned or interrogated? Are there progressive practices that have not received the recognition they deserve?

          ALAO (Advances in Library Administration and Organization) seeks submissions for the “Critical Librarianship and Library Management” volume that delve beyond examples and case studies to critically examine library management.

          Proposals in the following areas would be of particular interest:
              •    Implicit bias and library management/operations
              •    Retention and hiring for diversity and inclusion
              •    Social justice in library leadership and management

          If you are interested in contributing to this volume, please send a proposal including a
          draft abstract of 500 words or less, author details and estimated length of final submission to Samantha Hines at by August 31, 2018.

          Submission deadline for proposals: August 31, 2018
          Notification of acceptance sent by October 31, 2018
          Submission deadline for full chapters: February 28, 2019
          Comments returned to authors April 30, 2019
          Submission deadline for chapter revisions: June 15, 2019

          This will be the first volume of Advances in Library Administration and Organization (ALAO) to publish in 2020. 

          ALAO offers long-form research, comprehensive discussions of theoretical developments, and in-depth accounts of evidence-based practice in library administration and organization. The series answers the questions, “How have libraries been managed, and how should they be managed?” It goes beyond a platform for the sharing of research to provide a venue for dialogue across issues in a way that traditional peer reviewed journals cannot. Through this series, practitioners glean new approaches in challenging times and collaborate on the exploration of scholarly solutions to professional quandaries.