Sunday, April 30, 2017

Libraries and the implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development

In March, IFLA's Latin America and the Caribbean Section hosted the webinar Libraries and the implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, to support and empower librarians as advocates and promoters of libraries' role in the UN Development agenda 2030.

View the slide deck at and the webinar recording (in Spanish) at
This webinar was made possible with the support of the IFLA-LAC, Latin America and Caribbean Sections, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning, Special Interest Group of New IFLA Professionals, the Advocacy-IFLA Communications Office and the College of Librarians of Peru. And with the technological support of the Association of Librarians of El Salvador-ABES and the Leadership Program of IFLA.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Call for Papers: CALA Occasional Paper Series, 2017 Fall Issue

The Occasional Paper Series (OPS) is one of the official publications of the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA). It is an open access publication which provides an opportunity for authors to publish articles on a peer-reviewed, official, and professional platform. 
CALA is now accepting submissions to the 2017 Fall issue of the OPS. Manuscripts can address any aspects of librarianship. It can be a paper delivered at a conference related to library and information science; a bibliography, index, guide, handbook, research manual, or directory; a report of a survey or study of interest to librarians of all types of libraries; a compilation of existing documents such as library policies or procedures; or a full­-length research paper.

Manuscripts are usually between 3000-5000 words in English or Chinese. Longer and shorter articles can also be accepted if considered to be relevant and of high quality. All manuscripts must be typed and double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. References, citations, and general style of manuscripts should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style. For detailed submission guidelines, please check the CALA website at

The deadline for submission to the 2017 Fall issue is Friday, September 15, 2017. Late submissions will be considered for later issues. Submit your manuscript online at Manuscripts submitted to CALA OPS should not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Previous issues of the Occasional Paper Series are available on the CALA website at

Friday, April 21, 2017

Worldwide Review of Guidelines for Library Services to People Experiencing Homelessness

The LSN and Working Group on Guidelines for Library Services to People Experiencing Homelessness invites feedback on the draft of the Guidelines for Library Services to People Experiencing Homelessness. 
Terms of reference
  • Give comments and suggestions as to whether the content includes the most important aspects of the organization and development of library services to people experiencing homelessness
  • Give comments and suggestions about adequate coverage and balance between the various aspects
  • Provide recommendations related to specific chapters
  • Provide useful suggested homelessness-related resources for libraries, divided by chapter.
The final date of the worldwide review is May 21, 2017. 
For contact information, visit LSN's web page at

Thursday, April 20, 2017

National Museums of Kenya partner with Amazon Web Services and Intel to digitize fossils and artifacts

The National Museums of Kenya (NMK) have announced a long-term strategic initiative, teamed with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Intel, to digitize marquee collections in Earth Sciences, starting with Archeology and Paleontology.

The first phase of the proposed project will be to digitize a selected number of Kenya’s premier fossils and culturally significant artifacts, and to create an open access digital database and interactive website for a “virtual museum.” The platform will be hosted on the AWS Cloud. Digital Divide Data (DDD), a non-profit enterprise with expertise in digitization of cultural heritage collections, also partners with NMK on this initiative.

In the words of Dr. Mzalendo Kibunjia, Director General of NMK, “These collections are reflections of Kenya’s heritage and the world’s prehistory through the ages. The searchable digital archive will not only be of immense value to researchers worldwide, but will also make our evolutionary history and culture more accessible to the younger generations which would foster a deeper and richer understanding of our heritage. I want to thank AWS and Intel for teaming with us on this initiative and look forward to working with DDD.”

The National Museums of Kenya (NMK) is a state corporation of the Government of Kenya. NMK is a multi-disciplinary institution whose role is to collect, preserve, study, document and present Kenya’s past and present cultural and natural heritage. NMK manages over 22 regional museums, many sites, and monuments across Kenya including the world-famous Nairobi National Museum. Founded in 1910, NMK hosts the largest record of human cultural evolution in the world.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Garcia-Febo Wins 2018–2019 ALA Presidency

Congratulations to Loida Garcia-Febo, international library consultant and president of Information New Wave in Brooklyn, New York, on her election as president-elect of the American Library Association.  

An ALA member for 15 years, Loida has served the library profession both domestically and internationally. Her organization, Information New Wave, is a non-profit organization seeking to bring access to information to underserved populations. She is also very active in IFLA (the International Federation of Library Associations) and currently sits on their governing board, and Reforma (The National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish-Speaking).
Garcia-Febo has been an active member of
the International Relations Round Table, currently serving as chair-elect. She is the recipient of the 2015 Reforma Elizabeth Martinez Lifetime Achievement Award and was named a Notable Member on ALA’s International Relations Round Table. IRRT is thrilled at her successful bid for the ALA presidency.

As ALA president, Loida Garcia-Febo will be the chief elected officer for the oldest and largest library association in the world. She will serve as president-elect for one year before stepping into her role as president at the close of the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans.


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Using Libraries to Support National Literacy Efforts

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) policy brief on
Using Libraries to Support National Literacy Efforts was published in English in 2016. It has now been released in French, Spanish, and Arabic.

The brief examines the role of libraries in supporting lifelong literacy from nurturing early literacy skills through to advanced levels of literacy proficiency. Providing literacy resources for children, youth and adults at all proficiency levels, libraries support a reading culture and contribute to the creation of a literate society. Trusted by people in the communities they serve, libraries have the potential to play a key role in promoting national literacy efforts. They need to be included in policy dialogue connected to literacy.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

[ELEARN] ICDIM 2017 - Twelfth International Conference on Digital Information

Twelfth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2017)
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
September 12-14, 2017
Technically and Financially co-sponsored by TEMS, IEEE

Following the successful earlier conferences at Bangalore (2006), Lyon (2007), London (2008), Michigan (2009) , Thunder Bay (2010), Melbourne (2011), Macau (2012), Islamabad (2013), Thailand (2014) Republic of Korea (South Korea)(2015) and Porto (2016), the Twelfth event is being organized at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan in 2017. 
The International Conference on Digital Information Management is a multidisciplinary conference on digital information management, science and technology. The principal aim of this conference is to bring people in academia, research laboratories and industry together, and offer a collaborative platform to address the emerging issues and solutions in digital information science and technology.

Digital Information technologies are gaining maturity and rapid momentum in adoption across disciplines. The digital community is producing new ways of using digital information technologies for integrating and making sense out of various data ranging from real/live streams and simulations to analytics data analysis, in support of mining of knowledge. The conference will feature original research and industrial papers on the theory, design and implementation of digital information systems, as well as demonstrations, tutorials, workshops and industrial presentations.

The Twelfth International Conference on Digital Information Management will be held during September 12-14, 2017 at Fukuoka, Japan

The topics in ICDIM 2017 include but are not confined to the following areas.
  •    Information Retrieval
  •    Data Grids, Data and Information Quality
  •    Big Data Management
  •    Temporal and Spatial Databases
  •    Data Warehouses and Data Mining
  •    Web Mining including Web Intelligence and Web 3.0
  •    E-Learning, eCommerce, e-Business and e-Government
  •    Natural Language Processing
  •    XML and other extensible languages
  •    Web Metrics and its applications
  •    Enterprise Computing
  •    Semantic Web, Ontologies and Rules
  •    Human-Computer Interaction
  •    Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
  •    Knowledge Management
  •    Ubiquitous Systems
  •    Peer to Peer Data Management
  •    Interoperability
  •    Mobile Data Management
  •    Data Models for Production Systems and Services
  •    Data Exchange issues and Supply Chain
  •    Data Life Cycle in Products and Processes
  •    Case Studies on Data Management, Monitoring and Analysis
  •    Security and Access Control
  •    Information Content Security
  •    Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Security
  •    Distributed information systems
  •    Information visualization
  •    Web services
  •    Quality of Service Issues
  •    Multimedia and Interactive Multimedia
  •    Image Analysis and Image Processing
  •    Video Search and Video Mining
  •    Cloud Computing
  •    Intelligence Systems
  •    Artificial Intelligence Applications

+ Proceedings

- All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE.
- All papers will be fully indexed by IEEE Xplore.
- All the ICDIM papers are indexed by DBLP.

General Chair

Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu University, Japan)

Honorary Chair
Toyohide Watanabe (Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute, Japan)

Organizing Chair
Manabu Ohta (Okayama University, Japan)

Local Arrangement Chair
Toki Takeda (NTT, Japan)

Program Chairs
Ramiro Smano Robles, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua, Portugal
Yao-Liang Chung, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
Hung-Yuan Chung, National Central University, Taiwan

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission    July 1, 2017
Notification of Authors    August 1, 2017
Registration Due    September 1, 2017
Camera Ready Due    September 1, 2017
Workshops/Tutorials/Demos    September 13, 2017
Main conference    September 12-14, 2017

Submissions at
Contact: conference at

Green initiatives wanted

Any outstanding Green Library project, initiative or idea may be eligible for the IFLA Green Library Award. Submissions will be accepted in any suitable way, such as an essay, a video, a poster, an article, or a set of slides. 

See the IFLA website at for full details.

Applications must be submitted before 30 May 2017 to:

Dr. Petra Hauke, ENSULIB secretary

Hochkalterweg 3a
D-12107 Berlin, Germany


Submissions will be reviewed by the ENSULIB award reviewing committee and will be unbiased and neutral. The finalist will be recognized for his/her outstanding submission. 
The award includes €500, sponsored by De Gruyter Saur, and will be presented at the 83rd IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2017 in Wroclaw, Poland.