Greetings IRRT members and friends!
We have made great progress on the IRRT Global Leaders Campaign to establish the IRRT Endowment Fund. Since December 2015, more than $3,300 was raised, with a total of over $39,000 raised since 2009, towards a goal of $50,000 for the endowed account in June 2016. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following IRRT members for their continuing contributions since December 2015:
Nancy Bolt
Clara Chu
Amed Demirhan
Michael Dowling
David Easterbrook
Barbara Ford
Julia M. Gelfand
John Hickok
Robin Kear
Carol R. Kem
Paulette Kerr
Nancy Kranich
Hwa-Wei Lee
Judith Lin Hunt
Athena Michael
Kitty Osborne
Patricia Oyler
Laverne Page
Jeannette Pierce
Teresa Rheiheimer
Edward Rock
Christopher Shaffer
Wendy Simmons
Patricia Wand
Joan Weeks
Shali Zhang
IRRT is launching a “Matching Donation challenge.” Members of the Endowment Committee and Executive Board have already donated funds, and are challenging the rest of IRRT to donate as well! Even small donations of $5 or $10—up to larger donations of $50, $100, or more—will help. The challenge is for IRRT’s combined donation amount to match, or even exceed, what the Committee and Board has started.
The Endowment fund will support IRRT’s international activities and initiatives which contribute to ALA’s important role in international librarianship. The funding support through the Endowment will be able to provide support for international speakers and programs; promote a global dialogue about librarianship; increase visibility of international opportunities for U.S. and international librarians, and encourage international collaboration in librarianship.
For information on how to contribute, please visit: When you log in to the ALA Giving web site, please follow the instruction to: ALA Round Tables - International Relations Round Table-IRRT – and choose IRRT 60TH Anniversary Endowment Campaign, or you can simply send a check to the address below with a notation that it is for the Endowment Fund:
c/o International Relations Office
American Library Association
50 E. Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2795
Thank you for making a difference!
IRRT Global Leaders Campaign Ad-Hoc Committee members:
Shali Zhang, Chair
Jeannette Pierce
Nancy Bolt
Barbara Ford
Carol R. Kem