Saturday, January 31, 2015

Photos from ALA Mid Winter - IRRT Welcome Reception - January 30th

 ALA Mid Winter - IRRT Welcome Reception - January 30th

IRRT hosted a Welcome reception on Friday January 30th during Midwinter.This event welcomed any international librarians attending ALA and all IRRT members were invited.

IRRT Member-at-Large Paul Hover, IRRT Chair-Elect John Hickok, IRRT Chair Robin Kear, IRRT Ad hoc Endowment Committee Chair Jamie Luedtke, IRRT Secretary/Treasurer Beth Cramer.


ALA President Courtney Young graciously hosted the reception in her presidential suite. 


She is an advocate for international library issues. A good time was held by all who attended!


IRRT Chair Robin Kear, ALA President Courtney Young

Monday, January 19, 2015

IRRT Schedule at ALA Midwinter 2015 in Chicago

Friday, January 30, 2015

International Relations Committee I
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: Hyatt Regency McCormick - CC 10C

IRRT Welcome session
3:00 – 4:00 pm
Location: TBA (By invitation only)

Saturday, January 31, 2015

IRC/IRRT All Subcommittee Meeting* +#53070
8:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: McCormick Place - W190A
*IRRT Chair’s Meeting: 8:30 - 9:30 am
 IRRT Subcommittee meetings 9:30-10:30 am
 IRRT Subcommittee Reports 10:30 – 11:30 am

+ IRC Subcommittees:  9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
IFLA Update
10:30am - 11:30 pm
Location: McCormick Place - W176C

*Note: There will be an IRRT Chair Orientation session from 8:30-9:30 a.m., committee meetings from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and committee reports 10:30-11:30 a.m.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

IRRT Executive Committee Meeting
8:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: McCormick Place - W175B

Monday, February 2, 2015

International Relations Committee II
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: McCormick Place - W177

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Deadline extended! Call for papers for the IRRT Preconference

Leading from Any Position:  Libraries which are Leaders in their Communities and Librarians who Lead.
The American Library Association IRRT Preconference Committee invites proposals for presentations at the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco on June 26, 2015.  The IRRT Preconference provides a forum for librarians interested in international librarianship to discuss the current and future state of librarianship.
The library profession is constantly adjusting to new technical developments, standards and innovative new services.  These changes may occur without additional funding, or in an environment where the relevance of library services may not be widely known, or may be questioned as larger institutions (governmental, educational or corporate) face rethinking of structures.  To survive and thrive libraries need to have strong leadership from within. Libraries need to be leaders in their communities in order to ensure they are full participants in the future of those communities.
This year the IRRT Preconference is inviting proposals from around the world addressing how to lead and how to nurture leadership of both individuals and libraries.  This year there will be time set aside for breakout sessions, during which each presenter will facilitate discussion related to his or her topic at a table. 
The following topics are suggested for presenters to consider, but other topics pertaining to the theme are also welcome:
Sustainable Community Based Library Projects in Developing Areas of the World
Public Libraries that have raised their profiles by taking the lead in Education, Career Preparedness and other Fields
University Libraries that have taken the lead in innovation at their Institution or more widely
Librarians leading positive change outside Management Structures
Projects to nurture leadership at all levels in any library
In the proposal, please provide
1.       Title of the presentation
2.      Abstract of the presentation (no more than one page or 300 words)
3.      Name, title of position, and affiliation of the presenter(s)
4.      Contact information (email address and phone number)
5.      Brief biographical statement of the presenter(s)’ credentials.
Please submit your proposal to: no later than February 13, 2015 All proponents will be notified by March 13, 1015.
The IRRT Preconference will be held on Friday June 26, 2015 in conjunction with the ALA Annual Conference (June25—June 30, 2015) in San Francisco.  It will be a half day program from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm. Up to six presenters will be selected and grouped into two panels.  Each presenter is expected to give fifteen minutes of presentation; there will be a very brief Q&A session after each panel. After the panels each presenter will facilitate a break out group on their topic, where more extensive discussions will take place.  Lunch will be provided in the meeting room 12:30-1:30 pm.
All presenters are encouraged to submit a copy of PowerPoint slides or full length paper by May 1, 2015 to be included in the preconference packets and published on the IRRT web site after the conference.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

IFLA World Library and Information Congress Participation Grants

Posted from IFLA listserv:

It is our great pleasure to announce that the IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2015 has made available funds to provide support for 20 delegates to attend IFLA WLIC 2015 by waiving their registration fee.
Additional expenses need to be covered by other sponsorship or by candidates themselves. 
Priority is given to those applicants:
·         who are a first time attendee to the World Library and Information Congress
·         and who are a member of their National Library Association and whose application is supported by that Association in the form of a letter.
Applications should enclose:
·         curriculum vitae
·         your motivation concerning the professional benefit of attending the conference (max. 200 words)
·         support letter from your national library association
Applications should be submitted to:
Submission deadline
1 March 2015
Ms Josche Ouwerkerk
Manager, Conferences and business relations
IFLA Headquarters
P.O. Box 95312                    Tel: +31-70-3140884
2509 CH The Hague          Fax: +31-70-3834827